Joan's story

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Joan D describes herself as a redhead.  She is an active, lively 67 year old who takes care of an acre of land plus a large home and worked for many years as a nursing assistant.  She is also an in tact JIB who had her surgery 33 years ago.

In her latest visit to the doctor, he told her she had the bloodwork and health of a 20 year old.  Joan takes no medications.

She's gained back a bit of weight but is still keeping off more than 100 lbs and being a medical professional, is careful about taking her vitamins and eating a balanced diet.

The only surgery related issue she mentioned to me is that she has not had a formed stool since surgery. "Right after surgery, I could count to 10 and know I'd better go - I ate my meals on the toilet!" she joked to me.

Joan had a bad session with a kidney stone about 7 years ago where she required stints etc - it was very painful but now she's careful to keep hydrated and drinks lots of cranberry juice and has not had another stone.

Overall, she's happy with her WLS - she has no dietary restrictions and feels good.  "I am going to live to 100!" she told me.

She wanted her story included here to let folks know that some folks with the JIB are doing well and like their surgery.

If you want to contact Joan, please fill out our "contact us" form.