Leslie G. Adams DeSoto
LEXINGTON — Leslie G. Adams DeSoto, 54, passed away Friday,
December 8th. Services for her will be held in Rose Hills Cemetery in
Whittier, California, Friday, December 15th. Surviving is her husband,
Hugh DeSoto, her two children, David and Kathryn DeSoto, her sisters,
Lisa, Rebecca and Nancy, along with her brother, Jimmy. She was loved by
many and will be missed by all. If you would like to make a donation in
her name, please contact the Greater Literacy Council at 803-765-2555 or
American Red Cross-Central South Carolina Chapter at 800-922-4469.
«Obituary posted: December 14, 2006»
Leslie had joined our WLS community in 2001. She had had her
Weight loss surgery undone on Sept 11, 2001 (9/11) in California. She
shared with us that she was hopeful of regaining her health and for a
while it seemed like she was going to succeed. Unfortunately, the
last year of her life she had problems with malabsorption and had been
very ill and hospitalized three times. It seemed that her bypassed
gut did not work right when reconnected. Leslie died from
something no one in a country with plenty should die from i.e.
She was caring and courageous - spoke plainly about her not good
experience with Weight Loss Surgery, at a time when most others were afraid to say anything
negative. She was a loving sweet, gentle spirited person also.
The background of this page is of an angel. Leslie was like an
angel to those whose lives she blessed - she was always there to help and
lend support.
The lady who called me about her death, said she had died peacefully.
This eulogy was sent to me by Leslie's twin sister, Lisa Anderson:
Leslie Adams DeSoto
Born: December 4, 1952
Whittier, CA
Died December 8, 2006, Columbia, SC
Parents: Russell and Frances Adams
Survived by husband, Hugo DeSoto; son, David; daughter, Katie;
brother, Jimmy Brown; sisters, Nancy Hoskins, Lisa Anderson, Rebecca
“Becky” Adams; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Leslie’s zest for life was evident in everything she did; from
driving sand buggies and riding motorcycles to chasing boys at
Salton Sea as a teenager; by her determination to graduate from
college even if it meant a two-hour drive both ways; learning how to
dance the shag, giving 100% of herself to her friends and, most
importantly, the love she gave to her family.
Leslie opened her heart & her home to her children’s friends. You
were likely to see Leslie in the kitchen whipping up a “little
something” for a constant house full of kids, wanting/needing a kind
word or answers to life’s problems. One would never hear her say,
“Not now, I’m busy.”
Leslie taught elementary, middle, and high school in all subjects;
tutored both children and adults for the South Carolina Literacy
Council, designed and established an after school “English-as-a
second language” program for the South Carolina Board of Education,
and even coached an after school cheer leading squad. She was an
inspiration to her students as well as her peers and was nominated
for a Disney Inspiration Award for exemplary work in education. A
special thrill for Leslie was when she was out in the community and
a student would come up to her with a big hug and a “Hi, Mrs. D!”
and then proceed to tell how she made a difference in their lives.
Leslie’s last teaching position was at Fort Jackson in Columbia,
South Carolina, preparing soldiers to be translators for the United
States government in Iraq.
Leslie volunteered with the American Red Cross assisting fire and
disaster victims especially those displaced by Katrina's wrath. She
also had a special interest in educating & counseling people
throughout the United States and Canada about weight prejudice, the
affects of weight loss surgery, and coping mechanisms in dealing
with its aftermath to which she finally succumbed.
In spite of her impressive resume, Leslie’s greatest joy and legacy
is in her children, Katie & David. Katie is a beautiful
self-confident young lady who has a job she enjoys and numerous
friends supporting her. She has her mom’s spunk and her Aunt Becky’s
love for animals. David is about to fulfill Leslie’s lifelong dream
for her children. On Saturday, he will graduate from the University
of North Texas with a bachelors degree in music education. It is a
day long anticipated by all of us but especially by Leslie. This is
why you don’t see her immediate family here today. They are where
she wanted them to be, where she planned to be, watching David walk
across that stage with that sheep skin in his hand.
Leslie’s un-ending spirit, tenacious drive, and love of life will be
missed by her friends, family, and especially by her two sisters,
Lisa and Becky – kindred spirits to be sure.
(Debbie Ann Walters)
To the living, I am gone.
To the sorrowful, I will never return.
To the angry, I was cheated.
But to the happy, I am at peace.
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I can not speak, but I can listen.
I can not be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore,
Gazing at a beautiful sea…remember me.
As you look in awe at a mighty forest
And its grand majesty...remember me.
As you glance at a flower and admire its
Simplicity...remember me.
Remember me in your heart, your thoughts,
And your memories of the times we loved,
The times we cried, the times we fought,
The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me,
I will never have gone.

Leslie is pictured at left with her daughter, Katie.
In the last message Leslie sent to our list which she composed from a
hospital bed, she wrote:
From: Leslie DeSoto <les4535@yahoo.com>
To: WLS_uncensored@yahoogroups.com
Reply-To: WLS_uncensored@yahoogroups.com
Date: Oct 27 2006 - 9:59am
Sorry to interrupt the protrin posting.....will be taking notes......I am
in the hospital for the 3rd time this summer - due to malabsorption....I
know I am the oldster here but since I have almost died, please another
plea that you all do your homework and know your supplementation needs -
especially if your intestines have been done. I am down to about 110 lbs
but never thought I'd want to gain 10. Death masks don't look good on
anyone...........Leslie from SC
Here are a couple more of her messages:
From: "Leslie
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 1:16 PM
I have been in a car wreak and almost died. I had WLS and almost died and
am still dying. A car wreak is different. You do not choose to be in
a car wreak but you do choose to wear a seat belt, take driving lessons,
etc. One should do the same with WLS....study, make your own decision and
understand the benefits and the downfalls that are possible. Then, maybe
you won't be ill 20 years down the road, living an unnatural life because
you had WLS. It all comes down to decisions and choices. No one should
fault those who try to warn people of the consequences that are possible.
They should be blessing them instead. Leslie
From Leslie DeSoto - posted
9/11 2002 on her one year anniversary of her takedown:
Sue, Karron, Trish, Barb, Kathy, Patricia,
and all
It has been a year today since my reversal. Thank all of you who have
become a friend, or lent advice, or just been there for support. I
appreciate all that you have done for me. You have made an extremely
stressful year much nicer and many days, were the only communication I
had with another human being. I wish you health and peace and for the
newbies, good decisions towards good health. Leslie from SC
Memorial poem by Trish Hargis, November 1, 2008
for Leslie
ravaged by pain and desolation
living in a world
no-one dares to enter
not wanting to reside in agony
feeling good is just a memory
a precious place you used to be
with health and happiness
a busy life filled with work and play
helping others
dealing with the pain
you deal with now
never dreaming it will be you.
give me courage to not give up
give me the strength
to fight for my life
give me some joy to keep on going
so i can salvage strength
for another day
CC Trish Hargis 2008
Leslie never gave up hope. she tried to live for herself and all
those who loved her she is dearly missed by everyone who knew