Long term weight loss and diabetes remission results |
The reason some doctors say Weight
Loss surgery (WLS) is the only weight loss solution which works is because
many patients do not gain all the weight back.
However, studies have suggested that the persistence of excess weight kept
off after weight loss surgery is only slightly more than for dieters.
Another reason some medical providers recommend weight loss surgery is to control diabetes but studies again suggest that on the long term, surgery does NOT control diabetes for most patients.
Here are some of the results of the
only large long term clinical study of weight loss surgery that we know about. It's called the
Swedish Obesity Study. In the New England Journal of Medicine,
some of the results were published. This is a study of over 2500
WLS patients (mostly gastric bypass and gastric band patients) but at the 10 year point, only 641
patients were available to be
The weight loss results were:
at the 2 year point post op: the
average loss was 23 percent of the patient's weight.
at the 10 year point post op, the
average loss had dropped to 16 percent of the patient's weight.
Here is a projection of expected
weights for the average weight loss surgery patient according to the Swedish
Obesity study:
SOS weight results
start wt 2 years 10 years 300 231 252 350 270 294 400 308 336 450 346.5 378 500 385 420
As reference to diabetes:
At the two year point, 72 percent
of the diabetics appeared to be in remission but at the 10 year point,
only 36 percent of the diabetics were still "disease-free".
Although we certainly rejoice with
those new ops who show amazing weight losses, the results of the only
ongoing clinical long term study of WLS patients are a bit more
sobering than the ads or seminars. Remember those who hang out in ANY
diet group, INCLUDING WLS support groups, are the small percentage who
can keep all or most of their weight off - the average people who
usually have more significant regains, are often made to feel ashamed
and if they are members of an online group, they often stay silent.
At seminars, patients with significant regains are often not welcome
to speak out.
SOURCE: New England Journal of
Medicine: Volume 351:2683-2693 December 23, 2004 Number 26
Lifestyle, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors 10 Years after Bariatric Surgery Lars Sjostrom, M.D., Ph.D et al